Monday, June 7, 2010

Los Angeles Zoo

For this project we had to create a flyer for the LA Zoo using photoshop.

Killer Bee Bookmark

For this project, we needed to create a design for a bookmark using a picture of a Bee in illustrator.

Help Haiti

For this project, we had to make a flyer to support help in Haiti using Photoshop. In this project i used to crop tool to crop the pictures into their shapes and i put a red cross of one of them and drastically lowered the opacity to show an image of men pushing water bottles off a helicopter.

Handsome Man Project

In this project, we had to clear some wrinkles off a man using tools in Photoshop. We used the healing tool and the clone tool

Type Project Page 3

For this page, we were only aloud to use the colors black and white. On the left is pattern and on the right is Possitive/Negative

Type Project Page 2

This is page two of the Type Project. on the left is pressure and on the right is Congestion.

Type Project Page 1

For this project we used illustrator. We had to use letters to express a word. on the left is playful and on the right is scale.

Crew Picture

In this picture, we got rid of a wave seen behind the rowing crew(using the healing tool) and the ridge to the bottom left(using the clone tool).

Color Predictions

For this project, we had to have a design with some sort of repeating pattern(seen on the right behind the flowers), flowers(the purple flowers to the right), and a flower with stem and leaves(to the right) while using repeating colors(pink)

Commodities to Culture

This project served as an introduction to Photoshop. For the Project we had to find nine different pictures of things that affect our culture, and create this commercial

Broadway Buissness card Grid

To make the project a little bit more realistic we had to show how we would fit the buissness cards on a paper that would be printed. Crop Marks were added and if there was a bleed, we had points taken.

Broadway Letter Head

For the logo project, we were supposed to get a logo we made and make a letter head, envelope, and a business card for the fictional restaurant.

Broadway Logos

For this project we had to make six logos using Adobe Illustrator. Out of these six, we chose one for our final project.

Soda Label

For this project we were making fictional soda labels. i took a simple and appealing approach to the project to make bright colors and a flashy name to sell this drink

CD album front cover

This is the front cover of the fictional album we made in class. i used quick selection tool and masking tool to cut Tupac and the man with the boombox out of certain photos.

CD album back cover

This is the back cover of a fictional album we made in class. I used the gradiant tool and the quick selection tool in this picture.