Monday, June 7, 2010

Los Angeles Zoo

For this project we had to create a flyer for the LA Zoo using photoshop.

Killer Bee Bookmark

For this project, we needed to create a design for a bookmark using a picture of a Bee in illustrator.

Help Haiti

For this project, we had to make a flyer to support help in Haiti using Photoshop. In this project i used to crop tool to crop the pictures into their shapes and i put a red cross of one of them and drastically lowered the opacity to show an image of men pushing water bottles off a helicopter.

Handsome Man Project

In this project, we had to clear some wrinkles off a man using tools in Photoshop. We used the healing tool and the clone tool

Type Project Page 3

For this page, we were only aloud to use the colors black and white. On the left is pattern and on the right is Possitive/Negative

Type Project Page 2

This is page two of the Type Project. on the left is pressure and on the right is Congestion.

Type Project Page 1

For this project we used illustrator. We had to use letters to express a word. on the left is playful and on the right is scale.